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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2024-05-08


Many bosses argue that starting off the week in person in the office creates good energy. Plenty of employees beg to differ. A paper published in 2021 by the Journal of Applied Psychology, found that people tend to be more ill-mannered on Mondays, and grow more courteous as the week unfolds. A paper from 2015 by Yun Tae Hwang and Amy Kang published in the Medical Journal of Australia goes so far as to diagnose a new condition, Mondayitis. The authors define it as “a systemic illness with anon-specific constellation of symptomsincluding fatigue, lethargy or asthenia, dysthymia, irritability, light-headedness, photophobia, dry mouth, myalgia and headache in the absence of another focalor systemic illness”.


These symptoms typically appear on the first working day after a period off work, which could be a weekend or a longer holiday. They can lead sufferers to call in sick, decide to work from home or, if they do show up in the office, come across as detached and unavailable. So much for good energy.


Mondayitis appears to be contagious, infecting other days of the week. Some Americans now complain of “Sunday scaries” , when pre-Monday dread sets in as the weekend draws to a close. Both conditions can be aggravated by a weekend hangover, a looming deadline or painful memories (double science in secondary school first thing in the morning?). They are likely to be particularly acute among the nearly half of American workers who, according to a poll from 2022 conducted by UKG, an HR-software company, hate their jobs.


Still, the sudden shift from non-work to work affects everyone, not just those who despise what they do for a living. The covid-19 pandemic has led many people to re-evaluate their work-life balance. A barrister in London who spends weekends working on cases likes to ease into the formal workweek with an elegant breakfast at The Delaunay and lunch in Inner Temple Hall. A broader movement is promoting the idea of a four-day workweek, one permutation of which would make Monday part of the weekend (though this may lead to an epidemic of Tuesdayitis instead). Lessambitiously, and more realistically, a social-media campaign for “bare-minimum Mondays” argues for a gentle start to the week.


For one banker, Monday is the day to cross items off their to-do list. Your columnist, a guest Bartleby, feels crisp and invigorated on Monday mornings. The first shower, coffee and commute after the weekend do not have to feel like a hike with a rucksack full of stones. They can instead be imbued with a renewed sense of purpose and, as such, act as a tonic. It is on Friday afternoons when Bartleby feels depleted and cannot wait to go home- until Monday morning, when revived and spirited, she is ready to do it all over again.




City Therapist,一个专门在ins上发布心理治疗和健康讯息的账户说:“人们认为周末是用来休息并放松更新的日子,但是这也让其他事情比如说暴饮暴食,熬夜出现的几率更大。”,“还有很多人利用周六日的机会和朋友们出去玩,尽管这是件好事,但这需要花费更多的精力和感情。这样,人们就会在周一时更累,因此直接影响了心情。”















ill-mannered v.无理的

courteous adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的

Mondayitis n.周一综合征

constellation n.一系列

fatigue n.疲劳

focal adj.受关注的,局部的

off work休息一段时间

detached adj.冷漠的

call in sick打电话,请病假

hangover n.宿醉

poll n.民意调查

barrister n.律师

permutation n.排列

bare-minimum n.最小限度

invigorate v.有精神的

bender n.花天酒地

crisp adj.脆的

        沃得天下由资深“老海归”创办,以丰富的申请经验和敏锐的职业规划方向感,为学子提供海外院校申请规划!我们用心创造,精益求精!得“沃得” 者得“天下”!我们力避千篇一律,坚持量身定制,为学生出国留学行天下打造专属申请方案!来沃得天下,从此与众不同……咨询电话:010-65177899。