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[解读]面对申请如何战胜焦虑?How to fight nerves

来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2018-12-16


       How to Fight Nerves 如何战胜面试焦虑
       A:1. 如果不能马上回答也没关系,停下几秒钟去思考,这会让你的回答更清晰,简洁,容易理解。让你的面试官了解你听懂了问题,只是需要一点时间去思考。
       2. 面试的问题可以很宽泛,问一些问题去澄清面试官的提问可以让你的回答更准确,更符合面试官的要求。比方说,如果面试官问:“你最喜欢的活动是什么?”,你可以问:“是在学校的活动还是校外的活动?”
       A:1. 如果你的回答有些混乱或者想换个思路,可以停下来重新回答。这是很常见的做法,及时母语是英语的人也会这样。你可以说:“对不起,我重新回答一下这个问题”,让你的面试官知道你在更正你的回答。
       2. 在面试中没有绝对正确的答案。绝大多数学校更关注你以清晰有趣的方式表达观点的能力,而不是你说的和他们想要的一致。正如波士顿大学的招生官在网络分享会中所说的:
       No matter how much a student prepares for their interview, it’s completely normal for them to feel nervous. When we talk with students about their college interviews, we try to understand what they are nervous about, so that we can help them understand how to feel more confident and less nervous during the interview. 
       Q:What if I don’t know the answer to something my interviewer asks?
       A:1. If you can’t think of an answer right away, it’s ok to take a few seconds to think of something. In fact, taking a few seconds to think can make any answer more clear, concise, and easy to understand. Just let your interviewer know that you understood the question, and you would like some time to think. 
       2. Interview questions can be very broad. It’s ok to ask clarifying questions to help you narrow in on an answer that will share what the interviewer is looking for. For example, if they ask, “What is your favorite activity?” and you’re not sure how to answer, you could ask the interviewer “An activity in school, or outside of school?”
       Q:What if I say the wrong thing?
       A:1. If you get your words mixed up or change your mind on what to say, it’s fine to stop and restart your answer in a more clear way. This is normal behavior, even from native English speakers. Just let your interviewer know that you are re-starting your thought by saying something like “Sorry, let me say that again.”
       2. During an interview, there is no such thing as a wrong answer. Most schools are more concerned with your ability to express your ideas in a clear and interesting way, than whether or not you are saying the same thing that they would say. As Boston University said in a recent webinar, 
       “Don’t worry about what we want to hear. Prepare to be genuine, to talk about yourself. The reason why we find these interviews so helpful in the process is because this is our opportunity to get to know you and who you are. And there is nothing you can really do or say that will make us say, “Oh, you were looking like a good applicant but not anymore!”
       Q:Where should I look during the interview? 
       A:You should try and maintain eye contact with your interviewer as much as possible. This will help you both stay engaged in the conversation and show off your confidence. However, it is normal to look away while thinking of an answer.
       Top 3 Tips
       1、Smile! Even if you are scared on the inside, a smile helps trick your brain into thinking you want to be there.
       2、Practice in front of a mirror or on camera. This will help you notice the nervous movements that you have, and help you control them better during your interview.
       3、Wear something you feel good in! It will be one less thing to worry about during the interview so you can focus on the questions and not how you look or how you feel.